Civic Engagement

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Reading Journal
“CH 1: What are Service Learning and Civic Engagement”-100 words Cress (2013) stats that service learning and civic engagement is a concept that helps others and yourself, that everyone should take some type of service learning to understand the way of our environment. She talks about community-based learning which is that students engage in actively addressing mutually defined community needs as vehicle for achieving academic goals and course objectives. Students who engage in activities where the emphasis is on service for the sake of the beneficiary or recipient is what Cress calls volunteerism. Internship is where students engage in activities to enhance their own vocational or career development (Cress 2013).
Exercise 1.4: …show more content…

Being a good citizen would be to volunteers at a local food back and donating to local homeless stores. Being able to understand what your community really needs by educating yourself.
What is a global citizen? Global citizens who identity with a global community, who believes that global community is more important than their identity as a citizen of a nation or place.
What, in your view, are the pros and cons of requiring community-based learning course? Pros for community based learning mutually defined community needs, with being able to work with community partners, faculty, and students. Cons I believe would be students would work on to much things at once and might overwhelm themselves and not be able to focus on one thing.
What specific knowledge or skills have you learned in your course that you can apply to this community site? I feel that my knowledge of sociology I have learned that we as a community needs to work together to make our community great. That volunteering helps everyone not just the people who needs it, because it helps yourself

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