City Of God Violence

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violence and retain some honest values and ambitions you escape. In the City of God, guns are a common and accepted part of life. Children as young as five years old know how to use and fire a gun. They don’t stop to think about the consequences of what happens when you pull the trigger. In one scene, Lil Ze shoots two of the runts in the foot and then forces another young boy to kill one of them. This shows the extent of problems. In the City of God, the director shows how illegal drug cartels are created, funded and maintained. The drug dealers have the support of the whole community and everyone gets involved. Lil Ze was viewed as a successful businessman because of his illegal dealing of drugs. (Gregoli 362) The favela known as the city of god, as a location, looks unglamorously real. There are some scenes on the beach but the familiar world of Rio is light years first glance, the dreary rows of jerry built sheds look like sheds for say, refugees. It is seen in broad daylight at night, and at one stage in a glowing crimson sunset. Nothing alleviates its grimness and inhumanity at the very best it resembles a built suburb of poverty. The distant mountains and sea are glimpsed on the horizon, but the containment of the characters is pretty much absolute. …show more content…

The lifestyle portrayed in City of God is explained by the fragility of the physical space where with each new scene, nature gives way to broken bricks, cracked windows blood stains in the narrow alleys that connect the favelas financial market (Raquel 90). These are the points where the traffic of drugs is conducted. Human distraction aid of hunger for power, vengeance and in some cases, for no reason at all is

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