Citric Acid Cycle And The Krebs Cycle

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Exercise and the act of any bodily motion requires chemistry to power all of the necessary moving parts. There are two functions of exercise that make you feel good while working out and then make you feel not so good. The first “feel good” process is the releasing of endorphins during a workout. Endorphins are chemicals released by the pituitary gland of the brain. The pituitary gland produces approximately 20 different types of endorphins that assist the human body with a variety of functions. Endorphins diminish the brain’s ability to perceive pain, which is similar to the function of sedatives. A few examples of the benefits of endorphins are that they help with stress reduction, relieving pain, boosting immunity, slowing the aging process, …show more content…

It is the slowest working metabolic pathway for the production of energy in the body. This cycle, unlike the energy consumption in sprinting, allows the body to maintain its energy level during endurance activities. The citric acid cycle, or the Krebs cycle, allows humans to sustain long-term energy (long running) because it produces more energy than the other pathways. The Krebs cycle uses lots of enzymes, which reduce the amount of energy required for a chemical reaction. These enzymes help the body use less and create more energy. By using enzymes in the absence of more energy, the Krebs cycle is different from other metabolic pathways. Through the catabolism of fats, sugars, and proteins, an acetate is created and used in the citric acid cycle. The Krebs cycle converts NAD+ into NADH. These are then used by another system called the oxidative phosphorylation pathway to generate …show more content…

That is when muscles switch from aerobic respiration to lactic acid fermentation. Lactic acid fermentation is the process by which muscle cells deal with pyruvate during anaerobic respiration. Lactic acid fermentation is similar to glycolysis minus a specific step called the citric acid cycle. In lactic acid fermentation, the pyruvic acid from glycolysis is reduced to lactic acid by NADH, which is oxidized to NAD+. Lactic acid fermentation allows glycolysis to continue by ensuring that NADH is returned to its oxidized state (NAD+). When glycolysis is complete, two pyruvate molecules are left. Normally, those pyruvates would be changed and would enter the mitochondrion. Once in the mitochondrion, aerobic respiration would break them down further, releasing more

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