Cinema Observation Paper

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The place I decided to go was my local cinema on a Wednesday evening. I started to make small observation of what people were doing, how they behaved and how they interpreted the information around them. The first thing noticed was before the ticket purchasing booth , I noticed a family information seeking about the movies available to them by watching advertisements of the listed movies. This was then copied by another family. This demonstrates everyday life information seeking as the family seeked for information before deciding on what movie they may wanted to see. Their thought process may have included: If the had time to watch the movies via their show times, If they movie would interest them or be appropriate and rather to purchase a ticket or not. It also exhibits this idea of Chatmans' small world theory as the family who copied family A, adapted to their behavior as it may have seemed as a social norm. …show more content…

Alongside, the younger population taking pictures of either the cinema screen or their tickets for 'snapchat'. This demonstrates active measurements of interacting with information, as these people initially reacted with the information provided to them. Moreover, before the movie started the chattering and loud munching of snacks were at its peak, but once the movie had started the noise had reduce greatly, bar two girls who contuined to chatter away. As a result the girls were glared at and this concluded to their silence as being quiet in the cinema is a a social norm and out of courtesy it is expected for one not be as quiet as possible. This demonstrates all three of Chatman's theories of 'normative behavior', 'life in the round and 'information

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