Movie Theater Shooting Research Paper

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On July 20th 2012 a lone gunman later identified later as James Holmes entered Century 16 Movie Theater in Aurora, Colorado to inflict deliberate harms against civilians with no identifiable reasoning. Holmes, dressed from head to toe in body armor opened fire on a crowd of 70 moviegoers, killing 12 thus labeling this event as a mass shooting. Within 60 seconds, James Holmes was able cause anarchy before police apprehend him. Though the events of the shooting were horrific it did spark a nationwide debate on how we look at the security of public places trying to prevent or minimize future incidents. To lower the chance of a mass shooting from occurring it is recommended to first identify the problems that occurred during the Aurora movie incident and apply them to the security concepts we have today. The …show more content…

He raised red flags based off his recent purchases of large quantities of ammunition and the ingredients to make an IED. Though this was the fault of law enforcement lacking the communication to identify these flags and share the information with fusion centers across the nation. For a movie theater today, it is important to raise questions about security of your own venue. Identifying what you are trying to do and how are you trying to protect it. Identify what are you willing to lose and how much are you willing to spend securing it. The purposes to be able to critical think to identify desired outcomes and assessing failures of similar shootings. These problems mentioned are but a few that needs to be anticipated and factored into a proper plan of prevention, response and recovery. When developing a plan for a specific emergency it important to utilize all accessible resources, ensuring to not make the same mistakes that have occurred during past events. In Aurora, the local police department already established a set plan to respond to active shooters however it was focus more

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