Cinder Shortcomings Quotes

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Cinder “Do you think that the Prince no the emperor would find it in his heart to overlook all your….. shortcomings?” (pg 300) This quote has a lot of meaning to it and very important to me because it proves that all people in this world are different in their own way, some people don't have an arm or a leg like Cinder didn't have one. Most people can overlook those things like i can, but some people can't and look at them with a disused look. It allows me to understand that no one not even me is perfect. If you compare me to someone else they might be better than me at something but they would never be perfect at that something. I like this quote because of the meaning of it. It's just telling to not bring myself down because i'm different. …show more content…

The wires tore loose, like tendons stretched to the max she felt the loss of power at the base of her cafe…”(pg 365) This proves that i shouldn’t run away from the truth because you’ll be found again. Like cinder ran away because she was ashamed of herself of lying to the price that she was a cyborg and a lunar. It proves that i shouldn't hold the truth into long it can turn out bad even though it’s the truth. To me this is very important to understand because the truth is better than a lie. Just by Cinder running away from the problem it's not doing good for her so fair. I like the quote because I can relate what is happening, expect with the metal leg coming off. But running from the truth is the one i can relate

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