Church Persuasive Speech

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I wonder how many of us have a burden for the world especially those right outside the doors of the church. Years ago a A study done so that if you were a church of shown five that you were considered a mega church. This number not only shows the kind of church attendance but also the dying bird and for the lost and hurting of the world around us when was the last time you spent time in prayer for the loss of the world especially those right outside the doors of the church.

We tend to get complacent, comfortable even lazy if you walk over church in reaching out to others excuse becomes a myriad of statements, it's someone else's job I'm busy let the young people do that ormy favorite I'm told to do that anymore!but still on the outside of the doors of the church or church or people who are lost hurting dying to need you in the matter of the world and have lost their way. In some ways I think they've lost hope or have come to think that no one cares but I believe in my heart there still people who cares …show more content…

How often do we invite people to church? When is the last time that we have shared her testimony was someone explaining her price change our lives how do I support ministers admission to the church to reach out to people all these questions should burn on our heart for not only is it the call of Christ but it is how the church will grow and show forgot love Jesus extended into heaven he told us go into all the world even on to her most part. If I can paraphrase I work in Africa another concert important we have the uttermost parts of the world most people who are searching for a better way those who need to live in shaver in those who need her game or a healer in a way maker people who need you th I work in African other concert important we have the uttermost parts of the world most people who are searching for a better way those who need to live in shaver in those in need or game or a healer in a way maker people who need

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