Christianization among Native Americans

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Wrong actions can affect your surroundings negatively, and can clearly have profound effects on people, animals, or nature. One of the examples that have led to the destruction of culture and nature is colonization. Colonization is the mistreatment of a weak country by a powerful country, moving their people into the territory of interest, and exercising power to rule over the people, and the land. Some of the colonization that took place ended up eradicating people’s spiritual and religious beliefs and replacing it with theirs. Rather than destroying other peoples’ beliefs, the colonizers should have practiced spiritual syncretism. Spiritual Syncretism, also known as spiritual hybridity, is the cultural mixing of spiritual and religious beliefs. This happens when those colonized do not to lose all their beliefs and customs, and instead chose to mix them with the beliefs of the colonizers. An example of this is in the Latino culture where catholic saints and tribal African deities are worshipped as the same entity. In this essay, I will argue that, how European Colonizers eradicated the Native American worldview and forcibly converted them to their own beliefs was unjust. I will also argue that spiritual hybridity is a better solution than eradicating other peoples’ beliefs. During the European expedition in America, they founded colonies in North America that attracted thousands of settlers. The Europeans tried to get rid of the Native Americans in order to get what they wanted, which was economic wealth, landowning, slave trade, property ownership, and tobacco. M. Zylstra writes about “Colonization of History”, hybridization of history, and what the colonization of the natives by the Europeans lead to. Zylstra states. Euro... ... middle of paper ... all countries. Disagreements between countries should be handled tactfully so as to avoid wars and resultant occupation. The United Nations should have more powers to enact resolutions passed. The spread of democracy should be encouraged on so that several sovereign governments can deal with problems amicably. Works Cited "History of Missions." Home - Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. . Mintz, S. (2007). "European Perceptions." Digital History. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. . Munene, Fred. Personal Interview. 11/20/2011. Zystrla, M. "Colonization of History." Welcome to Study Anthropology; A Resource for Applied and Cultural Anthropology. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. .

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