Christian Transition Paper

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In consideration to the theological rationale the researcher will examine the 23rd Psalm. This Psalm illustrates how God acts in regards to his people. In this Psalm, God is the Shepherd and the congregation represents the sheep. God shows his love and care for the sheep. The shepherd and sheep relationship works best when the sheep remain in the fold and listen to the shepherd. One can draw many illustrations from this Psalm and see the importance of close relationships between pastors and congregants in the modern day Church. The researcher will build on the biblical and theological aspects to show how OGBC can experience a healthy pastoral transition and strengthen relationships between their new pastor and the congregation.
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Researcher will educate TTC on William Bridges three stage transition process. Events will be developed to follow William Bridges transition process.

• November 11, 2015- The TTC will meet and conduct initial interview with new pastor.
• November 18, 2015- TTC meet with pastor to give him all relevant church documents and information needed to help him learn the church traditions, practices, members, ministries, auxiliaries, leaders and community resources. The Implementation Phase The implementation of Three-month plan will run from December 13, 2015 thru March 13, 2016. In the month of December, events will consist of activities that embraces the letting go stage of transition. In January, the events will consist of activities that embraces the neutral zone stage of transition. In February, the events will consist of activities that celebrates the new beginning stage of transition. Lastly, the new pastor of OGBC will be installed on March 13, 2016. Also, within this time frame, the new pastor will preach his first sermon on December 13, 2015 and also teach the weekly Bible Study on Wednesday evenings. The Bible studies will be geared towards biblical texts that admonishes pastor/sheep relationships such as the 23rd Psalms. In addition, the new pastor will use Old and New Testaments texts that speaks to leadership transitions such as, Deuteronomy 31 and John 14. Concluding in March, the researcher will complete the exit surveys with the TTC and conduct the exit interview with the new

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