Christian Resistance To Religion

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I believe Christianity is a religion of resistance because the early Christians refused to comply to the Roman authority that wished for them to disband their religion and practice commonplace pagan worship of the age. However, I think that Christianity is best described as a religion of passive resistance, rather than active resistance. Active resistance implies that the early Christians outright defied the ancient laws through physical confrontation. However, the texts that we have read express that the violence that occurred is one-sided, implying that the Christians themselves did not initiate or participating in the violence. Thus, I believe that Christianity is a religion of passive resistance, meaning that the early Christians exhibited a nonviolent refusal to cooperate with the religious standards to the Roman authority and quietly accepted the consequences of their choice. …show more content…

Cyprian outlines the reasons why the Christians refuse to comply with the Roman's social and religious practices. Cyprian's reasons include common corruption displayed in theatre, the gladiatorial games, and among the wealthy. However, Cyprian's response to corruption is not to take a physical stand and fight against the corruption that he sees, rather Cyprian composes a treatise "in order to convert pagans," and to explain why the Christian's refuse to take part in the typical Roman social activities (47). This is an example of the Christian's passive resistance because they chose to refrain from taking part in the activities they opposed, rather than taking any physical action to stop others from participating in

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