Cholly Atkins Research Paper

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Cholly Atkins was an American Tap dancer and choreographer. He was born on 30th September 1913 in Birmingham, Alabama. Cholly Atkins had won numerous awards like the Tony Award for best choreography and worked with big named Motown starts. Cholly Atkins stared his dance carrier when he was inspired by a primary school teacher who performed variety shows. This inspired Atkins to start dancing. He started out as a street performing and then got a job as a dancing and singing waiter before world Cholly Atkins war two. He married Dottie Saulters in 1922 and in the 1930s his son was born, Charles Stlvan Atkinson. He then moved on to touring with stars like Count Base and Louis Armstrong. After the war he teamed up with Coles.

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