Chivalry In Today's Society

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Chivalry came to exist in the Middle Ages around the 12th century. Although the code of chivalry had nothing to do with women until the 15th century and they are mentioned in some versions so that soldiers in war time did not kill women, despite being thought of as a “source of evil”. But as of today, chivalry is still helping to fix the chaotic state of today’s society, just as it was 500 years ago. Chivalry is usually known as a moral system or an honor code, but for some people is only known as dead. Chivalry is the most significant concept throughout history and has evolved throughout time, and changed the way people live life. However, most peoples goal in life is to build a life you don’t need a vacation from, because the “Unhappiest people in this world are those who care the most about what other people think”. This is because people will do anything to strengthen their reputation! Other than that, if people adopt chivalry then it will cause them to be more responsible and reliable. Considering that, morals are …show more content…

An example of how chivalry can help with the worlds ideal problems in today’s society is something simple that can make a big impact, like holding the door open or pulling a seat out when going out for dinner. Also, it is important to note that chivalry is respect for all people, not just women, you can have chivalry no matter what religion or gender you are. Each of these positions make an important contribution to the understanding that chivalry encourages equality for all people. Although the motto of chivalry is also the motto of wisdom: “To serve all, but to love only one”, keep in mind that you should never change yourself to impress someone, because they should be impressed that you don’t change to please

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