China's Presence in Africa

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China’s Presence in Africa

China has long been known as a nation that has been a part of every history of each country around the globe. The nation has been known as a friend to many especially in the field of trade and business. They have introduced Western nations to rare and exquisite Eastern culture, cuisine and resources only one can find in the region. For the Eastern nations it has worked with, it was the Chinese who have introduced Western merchandise and traditions. At present, the country is slowly becoming famous not only for its economic boom but also due to its rapidly increasing power of its influence in other countries. In the case of the United States, this particular influence of China raises alarm to some experts and lawmakers as it would affect not only the US influence but also the economic sector of the country. With the visible presence of China in one of the most highly impoverished region Africa, many argue that Africa will also be affected by the continuous entry of Chinese workers in the country. This paper will discuss why China’s visible presence in Africa would cause problems not only for the Africans but also for the Americans.

China’s presence serves as a threat mostly for the African population as the Chinese are starting to monopolize the labour and resources Africa could have used to their advantage and provide work for the people. In an article written by Baah and Jauch (2009). China’s trade volume Africa has reached up to $29-46 billion which continuously increases each year. Imports from Africa are worth $15.6 billion in amount, 90% higher than previous years. Many have noted that China’s presence in Africa is due to its oil and natural resources which are then reasons why it continues to h...

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...ern community and for the African region itself, it is crucial that the effects of this presence is slowly developing the region to enable it to sustain the millions who have been impoverished since the beginning and enable them to seek out developmental strategies that would help the region stand up and compete with the other developing countries around them. Many have noted that this presence of China in the region is not to be exaggerated. Nevertheless, if China’s actions is not closely monitored, checked and regulated; the hunches of both the concerned Africans and the United States may become reality and it may harm these two concerned groups more than what they have estimated. Africa is still a region that is slowly developing and raising more problems in the region may just affect Africa’s development and improvement, causing more people to be put in debt.

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