China's One Child Policy Dbq

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CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE 1. China's one-child policy: a recent example of a history of civil injustice. Between 1980 and 2016, China enforced its controversial one-child policy. This policy forbids Chinese couples from having more than one baby. Almost a decade after the end of this policy, one can ask: was China only allowing one child per couple beneficial? China's one-child policy was not beneficial, because it put economic stress on only children, left only children with emotional problems, and was unnecessary due to already dropping fertility rates. Firstly, the economic stress the policy put on only children was extremely harmful. As document E brings out,"...the policy places a huge burden on single Chinese children at the bottom of the resulting '4,2,1' family structure." Document E. Life is stressful enough for a young adult, but for an only child under China's policy it gets much worse. Not only do you have yourself to care for, but also two sets of elderly grandparents and two aging parents. Without someone to shoulder some of the responsibility, this structure can make life almost unbearable. This horror for young adults is prevalent throughout China due to the one-child policy. …show more content…

Only children get all the attention from their parents, but not all of that attention is good. A heartbreaking example of this is Xiao Xuan, who said, "I used to cut myself on my wrist after being yelled at by my mom and dad because I didn't know who I should talk to or turn to." Document F. As the quote brought out, only children have no siblings to go to for guidance or comfort. This feeling of loneliness, as shown above, can spiral into something even

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