Children Of Men: A Dystopian Film: Children Of Men

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Children of men is a dystopian film set in the year 2027. Many themes about destruction in the future are seen throughout the movie. Just like any book or film, these themes can be depicted through the setting, plot, and actions of the characters. In cinemas, however, there is opportunity to use technology. Different camera angles, sounds, and the concept of diegetic and nondiegetic aspects serve the same purpose as the literary techniques readers use to realize themes. In Children of Men, the use of tracking shots, and the different types of sound help the viewer gain an understanding of the theme of life versus death and Theo’s true purpose One specific sound that is heard multiple times in the film is ringing. This ringing is suppose to Almost every scene that occurs in Jasper’s house is diegetic. All the music heard comes from a stereo, and every character can hear it. This adds to the realisticness of the film since it represents real parts of the Jasper’s everyday life. One specific soundtrack played more than once that holds significance is this loud screaming sound. Towards the beginning of the movie, Theo and Jasper are sitting on Jasper’s couches when Theo mentions the ringing in his hears again. Jasper tells Theo that some zen music should help, but as a joke, he plays loud, screeching music. What seemed at first to be funny actually foreshadowed a scene further into the film. This type of sound is heard again after Theo brings Kee to temporary safety at Jasper’s. In the early morning when the Fishers break into Jasper’s house the alarm and the same screaming music heard earlier started to sound. This diegetic sound and precise music choice helps develop foreshadowing from the beginning to the end of the movie. Following the breaking in, Luke, one of the Fisher’s leaders, shoots Jasper. In the background a very high pitched noise is heard. This can compensate for Theo’s ringing and add to the theme of life versus death. Another high pitched ringing sound is heard as someone else close to Theo

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