The observation took place indoor at my relative 's house. I went to observe the child on Tuesday at 12:00 in the morning. When you first enter the house and walk through the hallway, you will see that the kitchen is on the right side and the dining table on the left. After passing the kitchen and dining table, you will see that the living room connects to the back-yard. The living room 's walls had multiple picture frames and decoration pieces hanging along with a brown color clock. Moreover, the living room had dark green sofa 's, television, a coffee table and variety of toys that include a white writing board, a box of legos, soft toys, barbie dolls, kitchen sets, play house, books, ball, building blocks and a blue color table along with …show more content…
Due to the fact that, when she was eating the rice sitting on the dining table, but she suddenly got up from the table, started walking towards the living room, grabed her barbie dolls and started feeding them. Moreover, not only she was pretending to drink from the toy cup while playing with the kitchen set, but, also was pretending to talk on the toy phone as she saw her mother talking to someone on her cell phone. These are the example of make-believe play because according to book “Make-believe play increases in sophistication during the preschool years. Children pretend with less realistic toys [such as] in early pretending, toddlers use … toy telephone to talk into or a cup to drink from. Their earliest pretend acts usually imitate adualt 's actions” (Berk, 227). The theory that perfectly relates to these examples is Piaget 's theory because Berk in the book infer that “Make-believe play is … excellent example of the development of representation in early childhood. Piaget believed that through pretending, young children practice and strengthen newly acquired representational schemes” (Berk, …show more content…
After she failed to put on her shoes, she ran toward her mother for help, but her mother showed how to wear a similar shoe in her own feet and then asked Khushi to try wearing the shoe again by herself. This is an example of Ericson 's theory because one of the stage of his theory of psychosocial development explains that in early childhood, parents allow their childrens to become independent and explore the limits of their abilities such as helping them put on their cloths and shoes by themselves (Berk, 256). Another example of emotional development that I noticed while observing was when Khushi 's mother turn on television and starts watching a serial. Due to the fact that, Khushi left all of her toys, walked towards the TV, and stood nearby as she saw a baby crying on the TV. This is an example of emotional development because according to the book “As with infants and toddlers, preschoolers who experience negative emotion intensely find it harder to shift attention away from disturbing events and inhabit their feelings” (Berk,
The child, aged 24 months, was able to combine two toys in his pretend play as he poured seasoning on the pizza and used the spoon to spread it. This type of play behavior is within Stage IV of the Westby play scale. Additionally, in his play the child was able to use household objects realistically. For example, he knew to place the pizza in the oven rather than in the refrigerator. The child’s play was comprised of a short sequence of events: put seasoning on the pizza, spread the seasoning, put the pizza in the oven. These two characteristics are indicative of Stage V of Westby’s play scale. With play behaviors between Stages IV and V the child’s play is on level with his age. In terms of the child’s language use he appeared able to provide
Dr. Alison Gopnik’s drew the following truth that “children are intellectually more skilled and far more sophisticated in their thinking then we ever imagined”(Gopnik2009). Gopnik also stated preschoolers are extremely well designed for learning. They are naturally curious. They learn through exploring and playing. “The value of play” was also presented in Gopnik’s research. He clarified that when children engage in pretend play, they will have imaginary characters and explore other world. They are learning peoples’ nature, how people think, do, and work. This helps them understand themselves and other people, to improve their social traits or in balancing school, and to increase their social competences in life. Gopnik demonstrated the idea
For less than two hours, I observed the grandson of a visitor at my aunt’s home.
from the first bar, she quickly swung her feet over to the side for leg support.
Theorists help us to learn about play and help us progress in relation to approaches and future planning. Vygotsky believed that imaginative play and relationships are important in relation to a child’s learning, and his theory was called the social constructivist theory. He believed that through play a ‘zone of proximal development’ is created, in which a child’s learns at the height of their potential. He argued against Piaget’s theory. Piaget argued that children did not necessarily learn through play but play just showcases and applies what they have already learnt. Piaget’s theory stated that there was two aspects to play – sensory and movement play and imagination, pretend and symbolic play. The McMillian sisters theorised the idea that children would find it extremely difficult to learn, play and develop without good hygiene and good health. Froebel also had strong opinions on the role of play. He believed in the importance of symbolic play, and imaginative play - stating it was one of the best ways for
The facility I did my observation at was Tutor Time in Fairfield, and I arrived there at 3:15pm. When I arrived there, I could instantly see that it was a child centered program by the feel of the artwork the kids had made that were on the walls, the passing classrooms and it smelled like sugar cookies throughout the building. It was very quiet in the office area and in the halls when I was walking to the class of preschoolers.
The child being observed is a 7 year old girl, who is the fourth member in a family of five. Her family consists of her father, mother, 14 year old brother and a younger brother 18 months old. She attends primary school, currently in year 2 and academically thrives in the classroom, she has a small group of friends and attends before and after school care as well as vacation care. She is involved in after school sports activities playing football and also attends Church group on Sundays. She is highly active socially and fits into unfamiliar surroundings easily and the family maintain a busy lifestyle.
Piaget stated that children function in a concrete world and therefore are unable to use language in an abstract way until about eleven years old. Consequently language does not afford young children the structure for appropriate self-expression. Piaget believed that children design symbols to communicate their wishes, ideas and emotions. This system of symbols characterises symbolic play (Piaget & Inhelder,
...Fein, G. G. 1981. Pretend play in childhood: An integrative review. Child development, pp. 1095--1118.
Student Observation #2 Age: 6 Race: Caucasian Gender: Male Grade: Kindergarten Location: Observation took place in the student’s home after school. Conversation with mother: Single mom, left child’s father just after she turned 1. Child’s father still sees his son, but has had some problems with drugs so visits are limited and with the supervision of his paternal grandmother. Mother works 50 hours a week to support her small family.
The child I observed was born on February 21st, so the baby that I observed is just weeks old. The baby is white and a male. The baby is a friend’s child and I observed him in the living room of their home and in his personal bedroom while he was in his crib. There was two couches in the living room, a television, two end tables, and a big sectional rug which was where the child was most of the time. There was 4 adults. The mom, the dad, my mom, and I. There were no other children in the house at this time.
Middle childhood is the time where children start to fully develop their skills. They develop their comprehension skills, communication skills, and many more. In order to get a better look into the life of children during this stage, I decided to observe my niece’s friend, Ryan, who is almost at the end of her middle childhood stage. Ryan is an eleven year old girl who attends Bassett Elementary. I choose to observe Ryan because, she is a very unique girl who does not always fit into what the average girl her age is like.
Leroy is a 2nd grade African American student at Martin Luther King Elementary School. He is 8 years old and lives with his mother and two older brothers. His favorite school subject is math. He likes to play video games and basketball, especially when he is playing with his friends. Leroy’s favorite holiday is Christmas, for he gets to visit his grandma and enjoy all the delicious foods that his mom and grandma cook. When asked where would he go if he can go anywhere, he responded with Skate Park. He likes to skate around the park with his brothers. Leroy wishes to be like his older brother when he grows up.
On 03/13/2018, at 2317 hours, I was dispatched to 2802 Egrets Landing Dr, Lake Mary, Seminole County in reference to an attempt to contact well being check. Before I arrived dispatch received a second 911 call that
Photo A is a pitcure of blocks created by one child that enjoys playing by himself most of the school day. He interacts with other people and will talk to his classmates at snack time or when they are all forced to sit together but he is normally on his own. While he was building his building he would look over at what the other students were doing but he never left his area. Over children would come near him and he would kindly say I want to play by myself right now. I asked him if I could take a picture of his blocks and as I was taking a picture of it I asked him what he was making. He told me he was making a house with a garage and he needed to add a door to go in front of his house. His block play promoted cognitive, language and physical