Childbirth Essay

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Childbirth is an exuberant and blissful time for an expectant and her family, but it can lead to a disruption in the mental health and well-being of the female carrier. The following composition will discuss the process of childbirth, the emotional and mental state of the female carrier during childbirth, and a disorder known as Postpartum depression. A serious mental illness known as Postpartum depression (PPD), can occur subsequently after the birth of the newborn and have many negative effects on a mother and her child. The main objective of this body of work is to explore the causes of PPD, which can furthermore lead to familiarity of preventatives of this disorder. Lastly, the discussion of one’s own outlook and judgment will be investigated based on obstacles that interfere with PPD, and the conditions that support the transformation of societies initial approach to this disorder.

Childbirth and the Postpartum Experience

Childbirth is the process of labor, delivery, birth, and parturition that consists of the consummation of a human pregnancy, with the development of a newborn infant from the uterus of the female carrier mother. The delivery of a child can be done vaginally or Caesarean (C-section), when the infant is delivered through an incision in the mother’s abdomen. In 2008, 32% of births were performed Caesarean and the percent is increasing every year. There are three stages of childbirth and they are as follows; first stage, that comprises the early labor phase, active labor phase, and the transition phase, the second stage, and the third stage. The parturition period of childbirth occurs the two weeks before delivery when the estrogen levels increase, which stimulates the uterus and ovar...

... middle of paper ... security and happiness. Although receiving a minimal amount of attention in PPD writings this study has also proved that “physical recovery from labor and delivery, thought processes and expectations, personal insecurity, and implementation of proactive strategies to protect or enhance one’s mental health” has an extremely high impact on the prevalence and severity of PPD. (Sword, 2012). Assessment and sufficient control of pain after childbirth is also particularly essential to the female carrier, because if she is unable to cope with the many hassles than depression can be triggered.
In the prevention process of PPD many female carriers implemented important strategies to support their emotional well-being, which included taking control over their behaviors, daily functions, and environmental affairs to sustain and uphold their mental health.

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