Child Soldier Persuasive Speech

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Imagine playing soccer with your friends, you score a goal "ahhhhhhh!!!!!" Your team celebrates after you score the game-winning goal. You pack up and since you were so busy celebrating everyone was on there way out. “Yo Dmitriy wewe kuja bro(Yo you coming, bro)?” “ndiyo.(Yes)” As you are walking down the road, you are suddenly picked up and thrown into a truck. Not knowing what just happened you start crying. As you reach the camp they cut your wrists, put a drug inside of you and wrap you up so you don't bleed. Once able to move you are then manipulated and tortured. This is the life of a child soldier. There are over 300,000 child soldiers all around the world. Many people debate if they should receive amnesty or not. but I believe that

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