Child Labour Is Doing The Right Thing Wrong

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Today, many people are complaining about the ethics of child labor. Large companies employ children under the age of sixteen from third world countries to work for them at factories. SOme people find this unethical, so they feel the need to boycott said companies. However, even if it is with the best intentions, boycotts are hurting the children far worse than working is. Oftentimes, families with children working in factories send their children off to work because they desperately need the money. Many families would starve without it. Working children are also more prepared for the challenges life may throw at them. Even though those against child labor might claim that children who are working are at risk to hazards while working in factories, people should not boycott products made by child labor because working conditions have dramatically improved over the years. People should not boycott products made by child labor. First of all, firing all underaged workers isn’t all that simple. According to “Is Doing the Right Thing Wrong?” by David Montero,”Saga estimates that as many as 20,000 families could be affected, since 70 percent of the local market relies …show more content…

Child labor helps give poor families the extra boost they so desperately need. It teaches children how to work hard in life to achieve what their life goals. If someone tries to actually try to understand child labor, they will see how it is more beneficial than they could have ever thought. Children are no longer being abused or injured in factories. Children are actually being helped by child labor. As stated in Nadira Faulmüller’s “This Company is Employing Children?” “If next somebody tries to convince me to boycott a company, I think I shouldn’t join in as long as I don’t know more about the actual

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