Chelsey Hauge's Rhetoric And Composition Class Analysis

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Last semester I was a part of Chelsey Hauge’s Rhetoric and Composition class. Chelsey had our class take a trip to library to get more information about the resources and research techniques available to us, just as our Intro to Literary Studies class did on February 16th. I found both visits informative and helpful, though they were similar in many ways. In general, between both of the library lectures that I have attended, learning about the databases available to students has been extremely helpful, and, last semester, I couldn’t have formulated my final fifteen-page paper without them. During this semester’s visit, I was excited to find out that many different departments have their own resource page on the library’s website, leading students to more specific databases. While Laurel (our lecturer, and one of the fabulous reference librarians) was scrolling through the list I notices, and was glad to see a section entirely for dance. As I’m interested in exploring gender diversity in dance, I believe this will be a useful resource in the future. Laurel’s lecture also introduced me to the ways in which students can use JSTOR. In my previous research experience, I’ve been directed to JSTOR articles through Google scholar and other search engines, but was unable to access them because and account or payment was …show more content…

Last semester, when writing my final research paper, I found that print copies were often an even more useful resource than online ones. I feel as though being able to go through the stacks in a certain section of the library opened my research to sources I would not have thought of nor used if I hadn’t been there to discover them on the shelves. While the majority of my sources were found somewhere online, whether in PDF copy or as an online publication, I found that print sources I discovered in the library were also incredibly

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