Chef Research Papers

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What would it be like to be in an adrenaline filled kitchen, full of passionate chefs all striving to complete that “perfect dish?” This paper will inform you what it means to truly be a chef, and all the hardships that come with it. Along with the hardships comes many fruitful outcomes, and that is what strives the passion for many aspiring chefs. The requirements to become what is commonly known as a “chef,” are pretty basic. A few years in a culinary school, and anyone could become a chef. But becoming a chef is much more than that. It is something one must have a lot of passion for. Something that one is always striving to perfect both inside the kitchen and out. It is something one must really grasp and have a feel for. Something …show more content…

There are many things that people do not know about chefs, and that the title “chef” is not as easily obtained as many think it to be. There are many hardships on the road to becoming a chef, but there are also many fruitful outcomes. I will examine the requirements and necessary steps it takes to become an employee at both a low and high end restaurant. And finally I will discuss in depth the hardships of being a chef, and what many must face in order to obtain that title.
In order for one to become a chef, one must have more than just years of experience. It must be both a skill and a passion. Something you strive for 100% of the time. You must be innovative, skillful, and overall have a good feel for what you are making. To become what is commonly known as a “chef,” you must first have a two year degree in culinary arts. In fact most
CULINARY ARTS 3 restaurants employers require it. Although most low end restaurants require little to no experience in the kitchen much less a two year degree in culinary. A few days of training in their kitchen and they will most likely employ you. In order to become and executive chef in …show more content…

They want to see the passion of a chef, and how well you can work with others in the heat of a kitchen. They want to know that even during frustrating times, everyone is still doing their best to strive for perfection in every dish they make. (Billy Parisi,
July 30, 2014)
Ethos of the Professional Kitchen, is an article about what it truly means to be a chef. The kitchen can be a very hot, dangerous, and stressful place for most. The author best describes his workplace as, “an adrenaline rush.” Everyone is dependent on each other. There is no “star player.” Everyone, whether it be the head chef or one of his peers, must strive for perfection. If one person messes up, then the whole dish will be ruined, and everyone will fail as a whole. A chef does not give it ther all one day, and half the next. Every customer must be highly respected, no matter who they might be. That being said, one must always have pride in what they do, or they will never reach perfection. To serve every meal with perfection requires extreme demand upon personal responsibility, reliability, and execution. (The Kitchen Code:
Ethos of the Professional Kitchen)

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