Cheating In The Digital Age: Article Analysis

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Students Ethics in the Digital Age cheat in high school routinely thinking that their teachers would never find out of their academic dishonesty. Students have the temptation of cheating when they see their classmates cheating as well.. Students in the digital age think cheating is not bad when they are under pressure.
Students when they are under pressure their only way out is by cheating to have better grades. Cris Tovani in his article describes how students are driven to cheat, “When students don’t see how the content they’re learning is connected to their lives, cheating comes easy”(50). The quote is stating that when students do not understand the lessons of their teachers they start confusing themselves. Students look for shortcuts …show more content…

Andrew Saultz asserts how teachers make their students cheat, “At a meeting of Atlanta principals, one middle school principal raised concerns about how many students were multiple grade levels below grade level but still had high test scores”(1). Saultz claims that students cheat either way when they know that their teachers do not care basically is saying that teachers give students free grades and that causes them to cheat. The effects of students cheating makes the school district look bad when they have great percentages, but they have that when students cheat and makes the whole school seem not …show more content…

Eric J. Ip has tables representing how many students did the impossible to cheat in their pharmacy test, “The most common forms of academic dishonesty pharmacy students admitted included: handing down work to students in a lower year(47.7% of students), copying another student's coursework with student’s permission(36.5% of students)”(3). The tables are representing how many students have said they used their “strategies” to convinced other students of finishing their work or letting them copy them. Cheating during school is a bad decision and even when students are learning about medicine if they cheated they will never know what kind of medicine some people will need when they get sick or want their opinion of which prescription is better for their

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