Charlie's Short Story: The Haunted House

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We drive with the windows down, the cool August breeze blows Dellilah’s hair. Baby Charlie sits in his carseat, playing with a red block. Delilah cooes to Charlie, and she dances to the radio station I have. Our new black Cadillac coasts across Hollywood streets. I love my family, and I will propose to Delilah soon, I want her to be my wife so badly. Father thinks it's a terrible idea, we are still very young. He thinks I should wait awhile, especially since Dellilah had Charlie so young. I look at Delilah, her smile reaching her eyes. Delilah screams, “Lawrence!” I look back towards the road and slam on the brakes. It's too late, the Cadillac swerves into the traffic and flips over. I hear Charlie screaming and crying in the back of the car. …show more content…

I have been neglecting Charlie so much, I'm blessed to have Sara, she is Charlie,s caregiver. 2 Years have gone by since we lost sweet Delilah, and I miss her every day. I do know that drowning in my misery won't help Charlie, and it's definitely not what Delilah would have wanted. I decide to pay my father a visit, I drive over to his grand mansion. He is smoking a cigar in his office when I arrive. “Awe. Lawrence, what a surprise. What brings you to my home,” he makes a circle with his smoke. I smile, “ Father, I'm tired of being so miserable. I have decided to take a trip to France, I'm going to study something there. I want to make a better life for Charlie and I. The life I never got to have with Delilah”, I swallow and look to the floor. “I'm very proud, I think this is an incredible idea. May I have the honor of personally watching Charlie. I want him to know who I grandfather is,” father puts his cigar away. “My flight leaves in 3 days.” He looks surprised. Still, he stands up and hugs me. Whispering “I've missed you.” I don't say anything, I just pat him on the shoulder and head …show more content…

I'm immediately seated, and I browse the thick green menu. There is a white tablecloth, and cutlery folded into the napkins. Scanning the menu, I see there is sandwiches, soups, coffee, and different pastries. Out of the corner of my eye I see, a young, beautiful, blonde waitress walking my direction. “Bonjoure! And welcome to my corner of France. My name is Alana, and I will be serving you today. What can I get you”, Alana smiles at me. I'm tounge tied, her beauty has distracted me, and I forgot what I was going to order. “Uh. Um. I,” is all I can get out of my scratchy throat. She looks down at me” forgive me. Were you not ready yet.” “Erm. Um. No Mame! I am ready. My apologies, I have had a long journey here.” She gets her notepad out, and clicks her pen. Alana blows a strand of hair out of her face, “ An American boy, you are far from home.” I smile and return my gaze too the menu, “Ha yes.” Alana opened her mouth, but a man shouts from across the restaurant “Alana, leave the poor man alone, and get him his lunch!” I can tell she is embarrassed, her cheeks turn a rose pink, she pushes hair behind her ears and mumbles “Right.” I look back at her “ I think the soup special and a crosaint will be nice” she chuckles and scribbles my order

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