Charlie Gordon Flowers For Algernon Essay

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“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” - Martin Luther King Jr. Firstly, and doubtlessly, the greatest reason that ignorance is not bliss is friendship. Friendship, as we know it, is one of the most unique relationships that one can have with another. In Flowers for Algernon, we observe that Charlie Gordon is a man who lacks perception along with intelligence in basic knowledge and skills, therefore making him ignorant. He works at Donegan's Plastic Box Company. There, he has two “so-called” friends: Joe Carp and Frank Reilly. His co-workers mock him for performing stupid and foolish actions due to his insufficiency in fundamental knowledge. An example of this happens in the book when his …show more content…

Joe Carp said I should show the girls how I mop the toilet in the factory and he got me a mop. I showed them and everyone laffed when I told them that Mr. Donegan said I was the best janitor he ever had.” (PROGRESS REPORT 9 - April 3 page 289) Whenever someone behaves in a dumb manner, they relate him to Charlie Gordon by saying they “ pulled a Charlie Gordon.” After his operation, Charlie realized that people were using him. They laughed at him because of his idiocy, not because he was amusing. Now I know what it means when they say, “I am ashamed” (April 20, page 292). But as we can see Charlie’s IQ advancing, he begins to sense reality. As he progressively becomes more alert about what his co-workers are doing, his friend becomes less and less entertaining. After his co-workers signed a petition to get Charlie to go away, his boss fires him. This shows that some people you call “friends” might just be using you without you knowing it. You, however, absent-mindedly ignore this, not wanting to believe the harsh truth. The second reason that ignorance is not bliss is the fact that you require basic intelligence in medical situations. At first, this topic might sound vague, but it is an important one. General knowledge plays a key role in …show more content…

“I don’t understand why I never noticed how beautiful Miss Kinnian is. She’s only thirty-four years old! I think from the beginning I had the feeling that she was an unreachable genius and very, very old. Now every time I see her she grows younger and more lovely.” (PROGRESS REPORT 11 April 28 - page 295) He begins to realize how beautiful she is. He confesses his love for Miss Kinnian at the end of the report. “I'm in love with Mrs. Kinnian. Then he was a king." (April 28 page 295) Due to his increased intelligence, he begins to understand the concept of love. Without this growth in IQ, he would’ve never experienced what love was like, even though it was for a short period. With knowledge, you can always see another side of a person or a topic you wouldn’t have seen if you were ignorant. To sum up everything that I have been talking about, ignorance is truly not bliss. This is supported by the fact that people with an ignorant personality assume everyone is their friends, they lack knowledge about medical situations, and don’t experience many things that average people would. To summarize, ignorance is not bliss. In Flowers for Algernon, Charlie with an increased Iq learns and understands numerous concepts

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