Character Analysis of Birling from An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley

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Character Analysis of Birling from An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley

The play An Inspector Calls was written by J.B.Priestley. Birling is

an important character in the book for a number of reasons. The

reasons for this will be discussed throughout the book, how he deals

with his own responsibility and others, how he deals with the hoax and

what he’s used for generally in the book. The play is about a family

who are all in someway to blame for the death of a girl.

At the beginning of the book Birling is presented negatively. We find

out that his daughter is going to marry and Birling then makes a

speech in which hw talks about his business and, how the marriage will

bring his company and his daughters fiancés fathers company together

for example he says “ your father and I have always been friendly

rivals in business for some time now and now you’ve brought us

together” which shows us even when his daughter is getting married he

is still thinking about his business.

Also he is presented as arrogant because he always says, “as a hard

headed businessman” and seems to think his views are the most

important and that everyone should listen to him. He does not deal

with accepting his own responsibility for things and always blames

others for his mistakes. As soon as the inspector left Birling

immediately started blaming Eric ignoring the fact that he had

contributed to the girl killing herself by firing her after she’d

asked for a rise which was not justified as he had done something

worse than Eric.

When dealing with others responsibility he is quick to blame them and

to forget about his own responsibilities . But in the case of Gerald

he only cares because he wants the marriage to happen so the companies

can join together and he can get more money and improve his social


He does not deal with the inspector well as he is used to everyone

obeying and agreeing with hum him and following his orders because he

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