Character Analysis Of Isabel Taking Wing By Annie Dalton

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Imagine how you would feel if you were a girl in London and had to always be good and always stay at home. Fine etiquette would be a must – being ladylike – as well as knowing how to work with a needle. Girls would be required to remain in the house doing household chores. Meanwhile, the boys were having fun outdoors, enjoying many adventures. Isabel Taking Wing, written by Annie Dalton, describes these exact scenes. This historical-fiction sets its stages in London, England as well as the country sides of Northamptonshire. It takes place in 1592, during the time of the plague. The main characters in this book are Isabel, Aunt Elinor, Aunt de Vere, Meg, and Hope. Isabel is an adventurous and caring 12-year-old girl. She is also obedient… BUT only some of the time! Isabel is so determined to go out into the world and have an adventure of her own, just like the boys. Aunt Elinor is a very serious lady. She is educated in the ways of a proper lady and tries to teach Isabel these ways. She is much like those who are perfectionists. Aunt Elinor criticizes Isabel’s manners, etiquette, and most of all Isabel’s strong curiosity. Aunt de Vere is an intelligent, young, tall, fair-haired woman with blue eyes, who always wears a plain gray gown. She is respected by many, with regards to medical matters and her vast estate even has its own chapel! Meg has brown hair and rosy coloring on her face, and is about the same age as Isabel. Meg and Isabel become the best of friends and are very upset when the time comes for them to leave each other for an unknown period of time. Hope is Isabel’s little sister. She has a perpetual cough and is very ill; this illness has led people to believe that she has the plague.

The main plot in the book...

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...are parts in this book with very much action but also parts with none. Those who like these qualities in the books they read will enjoy this book as much as I did. I think many people will benefit from this book because it involves different parts of different Christian qualities. It can impact someone in the ways a Christian can and should act. Considering the difficulty of this book, I think it is just about right. There were a couple of words that I did not understand but if I kept on reading the sentence would sometimes explain the meaning to me, just not always. I always like a challenge and this book was somewhat of a challenge. I think the amount of words that I didn’t know was a good amount. Not too much and not too little; a great way to develop my vocabulary! This book will have an impact on, not only my life, but others’ lives as well in the future.

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