Chapter Summary And Synthesis Essay

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Chapter One:
“Most living organisms fossilize after death, so fossils in exemplary condition are easily found all over the world.” This statement does not make much sense because; it says that these fossils are found all over the world which is not the case. If the fossils were found all over the world then we would have the answer to evolution and the beliefs behind it would not exist. Shubin would not have traveled to the artic if this statement was true because fossils are not found in perfect condition all the time. An example is when Shubin was talking about Artic temperature changes “crumbles the surface rocks and fossils” (20). The volcano activity would have ruined the fossils and made them incapable of getting to. Either way the statement …show more content…

The shark is a perfect example that teeth came before bones because sharks have cartilage and teeth, therefore teeth came first. The teeth came first because it was the only way a shark would be able to survive, then came the bones to block other predators from hurting the prey. “The first hard hydroxyapatite-containing body parts were teeth.” (76). Shubin is saying that paleontologists were wrong from the beginning and that teeth were the first body part.
Chapter Five:
“Humans and sharks both have four gill arches as embryos, but the germ layers and arches develop into unrelated structures in each organism.” I do agree with the first part of this statement because it is true. The second part does not make much sense. The germ layers and arches do develop into related structure in each organism. I do not have a quote for this one but on page 91 Shubin shows a diagram on how a shark and human embryo form. Though they do not look the same in the beginning they still look the same in the end. Therefore developing into a related structure during the embryonic stages.

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