Changes In Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

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Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency is a book that revolves all around changes. From start to finish it will through you for a loop and make you think twice about every little detail. The changes that happen to the characters in this book a quite intriguing for the fact that what their entire alma mater stands for switches in the end. Three characters in particular changed dramatically from beginning to end. Dirk Gently is a big character judging by the title. He gets an ego check and changes his armada before the ending. Richard Macduff a programmer for WayWard Technologies learns that with his crazy lifestyle he needs to learn to live in Nirvana to calm the crazy. Michael Wenton Weeks was once a giving man and know wants to be a taker, but not just any taker, a taker of a life. The lives of these three individuals was sincerely affected …show more content…

In the beginning when we first discover Dirk we realize he is way to confident for his own briefs. He thinks he's hot stuff owning a detective agency and all but in reality the agency is falling apart and so is his life. Dirks staff doesn't seem to want to participate in an agency that doesn't even pay its employees. So he was left with just himself to run the business. But Dirk in the end when everything is coming down on him finds a new man. He realizes he doesn't want to be the old Dirk that thinks everything is gonna happen around him with no effort. In the end Dirk becomes more humble when he saves the entire world from being destroyed. Even though no one will ever know he saved the world he does and the old Dirk would have flaunted his accomplishments but he keeps that one close to home and owns it within himself. When you think Dirk would be at his most confident after saving the world he isn’t. He changed into a humble young man and that shows that his past doesn't predict his

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