Champion Of The World, By Maya Angelou

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“Champion of the World” by Maya Angelou was more than just a chapter in a story. Angelou has a unique way of developing her narrative writing style. She discuss about the problem of being a black person during those time and the culture difference. She tells us about her childhood which she remembers vividly, how Joe Louis’s fight was so important to the black community. Angelou demonstrates how African Americans in those days were doing anything they could just to prove to themselves and the whites that they are just as important as anyone else. They were desperate to rise above the racism and inequality. Angelou’s purpose of this story is that she wants the reader to understand that the fight was not the only thing that was happening but what the African Americans were dealing with during those days. For example, she explains that, “ This might be the end of the world. If Joe lost we were back in slavery and beyond help.” Back in those days, a colored …show more content…

Feeling as if the readers were there to witness the fight. Angelou says that, “A quick jab to the head.” In the Store the crowd grunted. ““A left to the head and a right and another left.”” The readers could visualize what the African American felt during the fight. Were they scared, that they would lose or were they happy? Because they knew they were going to win the fight. It gives us a illustration of what the reader is reading. If Louis was to lose, they would still be punished, and also losing your confidence. If he does win, the African Americans would still have to watch out. “It wouldn’t be fit for a Black man and his family to be caught on a lonely country on a night when Joe Louis had proved that we were the strongest people in the world.” which Angelou stated in the story because of fear that the whites would attack them, but they would at least gain some kind of control that gave them

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