Chakra Case Study

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Chapter 4: How to Begin Healing Your Chakras

Each chakra can be under-active or overactive. An overactive root chakra can make a person feel nervous, ungrounded, fearful, or insecure. Moreover, it makes him resistant to change, and greedy or materialistic. On the other hand, an under-active root chakra can cause codependence, fear of abandonment, feeling of lack of security, and inability to get into a person’s body.

An overactive sacral chakra can cause a person to become overemotional, attracted to drama, very quick to invest and attach in others, and moody. It can also make an individual lack personal boundary. On the other hand, a person with an under-active sacral chakra experiences an abusive relationship, and a lack of self-worth …show more content…

He needs to be kind and gentle to himself. When he takes a bath, he has to ensure that he uses candles and bath oil. Furthermore, he heals his sacral chakra when he celebrates even his minor milestones. He needs to watch romantic movies even when he is alone. Moreover, he must visualize a pouring of orange into his sacral chakra. Ylang ylang and sandalwood are great essential oils for healing this chakra. For crystals, the individual can use carnelian and moonstone to balance the sacral chakra.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

To heal the solar plexus chakra, the person must eat yellow foods and drink chamomile tea. As much as possible, he needs to get outside and visualize that yellow pouring into is solar plexus chakra. He must be aware if he belittles himself. Furthermore, he needs to surround himself with people who appreciate and love him. For essential oils, he can use lemon and chamomile. If he is into crystals, he can use citrine, amber, and Tiger’s eye.

The Heart …show more content…

The individual must be able to be firm with his “No”, and be honest and open with people surrounding him. Moreover, he needs to speak with love to authority figures and visualize blue enveloping his throat chakra. Essential oils that help heal the throat chakra include neroli, sage, and lavender while aquamarine and turquoise are the best crystals for this chakra.

The Third Eye Chakra

A person with an imbalanced third chakra can heal it by listening intently to conversations to try to find out any hidden messages. He needs to feel the energetic vibration of people surrounding him. If his intuition is right, he must praise himself. Lastly, he needs to visualize indigo pouring into his third eye chakra. Effective essential oils to heal the third eye chakra include rosemary, basil, patchouli, vetiver, and jasmine. For people who use crystals, sodalite and lapis lazuli are the best crystals for this chakra.

The Crown

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