Causes of The 1905 Revolution

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Causes of The 1905 Revolution

In this essay, I will explain the following question, what caused the

1905 Revolution? This took place in Russia, in the time when it was

ruled by the Tsar, Nicolas II.

On 22nd of January, 1905, thousands of working class protesters, from

all parts of the capital, led by Father Gapon, all came together to

the WinterPalace, many holding a picture of the Tsar, showing their

respect for him, they came to the WinterPalaceto submit a petition to

the Tsar.

Unexpectedly, troops were called out to attack the crowd. Uhlans and

Cossacks draw their swords and also fired bullets, as they attacked

the innocent crowd, which only wanted the Tsar to reduce their working

hours and also increase their wages.

Over one thousand protestors got killed, and another two thousand

wounded, according to police reports. This event was called the

"Bloody Sunday".

80% of Russia's population in the early 1900's were peasants, as the

country was also "backwards" probably to the rest of Europe. The

peasants, and also the working class's living condition was very poor,

the working class also worked over twelve hours a day and did get a

ridiculous wages, which is why "Bloody Sunday" occurred, as the

Workers were very discontented with the conditions they were given

after such hard work.

In my research, it is revealed that the petition contains the

following demands: amnesty, civil liberties, fair wages, gradual

transfer of the land to the people, convocation of a constituent

assembly on the basis of universal and equal suffrage. It ends with

the following words:

"Sire, do not refuse aid to Thy people! Demolish the wall that

separates Thee from Thy people. Order and promise that our requests

will be granted, and Thou wilt make Russiahappy; if not, we are ready

to die on this very spot. We have only two roads: freedom and

happiness, or the grave."

The bloody Sunday is considered to be the trigger of the 1905 Russian

revolution, as after the Bloody Sunday, the grand duke Serge

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