Essay On The Discontentment Of The 1905 Revolution

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To what extent was the discontentment of the industrial workers the main cause of the 1905 revolution in Russia?

The discontentment of industrial workers in Russia was an important factor behind the 1905 revolution in Russia. The conditions in the factories left a lot of workers dissatisfied with how they were treat, with many factories completely forsaking anything resembling health and safety regulations and others making their employees work 11 hours a day throughout the week and 10 hours on a Saturday. However, there were several other important factors that led to the 1905 revolution such as the Russo Japanese war in 1904-1905, The policy of Russification and the events of Bloody Sunday. All of these factors will be discussed in the …show more content…

Bloody Sunday was the day that father Gapon walked to the winter palace with thousands of workers and a petition to outline the problems and hardships caused by the tsar and to demand change be made consisting of an improvement to working conditions, a reduction in working hours and an end to the Russo Japanese war. This is an extract from that petition, “We workers, inhabitants of St. Petersburg, have come to Thee. We are unfortunate, reviled slaves, weighed down by despotism and tyranny. Our patience exhausted, we ceased work and begged our masters to give us only that without which life is a torment. But this was refused; to the employers everything seemed unlawful. We are here, many thou sands of us. Like the whole of the Russian people, we have no human rights whatever. Owing to the deeds of Thy officials we have become slaves.” However this peaceful march ended horribly as when the group of marchers arrived at their destination they were confronted by Russian troops and the police and shots were fired into the crowd resulting in hundreds of dead Russians lying in the street. The events of bloody Sunday were a key factor in the causing of the 1905 Russian revolution as they made Russians angry at the way the tsar, his army and the police dealt with things causing many of …show more content…

The discontent of Russian industrial workers was an important cause of the 1905 revolution. Moreover, it was the most important reason behind the 1905 revolution. However, many other factors also played a major role in the lead up to revolution. The discontent of the Russian industrial workers caused father Gapon to make a petition for the tsar asking for more rights and improvements to the system and the march to the winter palace with the petition ended up causing bloody Sunday another major factor in the revolution. Russification was also one of the main causes of the 1905 revolution as several minority groups in Russia were very unfairly treat and many wanted this changed and joined revolutionary forces. The other causes of the 1905 revolution were the failures of the Russo Japanese war, the policy of Russification and Bloody

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