Cause And Effect In The Movie Memento

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Memento has a lot of examples of cause and effect throughout the movie. One main focus is to explore the people from the beginning of the movie to the end of the movie, and explain how the beginning action affects the ending action. Leonard has a lot of great examples to explain who he is and why he is the way he is. His actions are almost justified by the end of the movie, he’s trying to find his wife’s rapist and killer. At the beginning of the movie, Leonard is shaking the Polaroid in order for the photograph to develop. However, shaking the photograph is causing it to lose its color instead of gaining, representing his memory. This is an indirect way of showing Leonard’s memory loss, and also a way of introducing the style of the story. The audience sees the effects first then the causes among this type of story line. By doing this, the complete story is revealed through Leonard’s understanding, disorderly and …show more content…

The majority of what they were talking about was Sammy Jankis, “a man who experienced the same disability” that Leonard did. This disability can be seen at the very end when Leonard purposely allows himself to forget what Teddy told him in order to have a purpose in life. Teddy mentioned that Leonard has killed several other “John G.’s” before in order to achieve his purpose. Yet, Leonard continues to keep himself from remembering. This conclusion was found when Leonard realizes that his wife survived the attack and that it was his wife who had diabetes, not Sammy’s. Leonard lead himself into believing that there were two men who were attacking his wife, when in reality there was only one – who he killed. By making himself believe that there was another man, he dedicated his life to killing “that man” even though there really wasn’t another one. Leonard made himself remember himself as Sammy Jankis so that he wouldn’t have to remember him indirectly killing his

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