Catholic Church Ethnography Paper

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This paper is on the ethnography of a Roman Catholic Church. It will explore the subculture of the Catholic Society in St Cuthbert's Church. “Catholics share with other Christians a belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ, the son of God made man who came to earth to redeem humanity's sins through His death and resurrection.” (Stanford, 2011). Catholics are a religious group of people who believe in one God in three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I decided to observe a Catholic Church because throughout it's years, it continues to influence the world in religious issues, social institutions, art, education, medicine, science, music, philosophy, literature, and politics (Wilson, 1997).

I will attempt to discuss the culture of the St. Cuthbert's Catholic Church in Durham. There is a Catholic Society often known as the “CathSoc” for short, related to the church but for my research I only examined the Catholic Church and I will …show more content…

After about five minutes, people started to show up. There were a number of people for a Saturday mass and at this time, I realised I was little overdressed. Everyone appeared to be wearing casual comfortable clothes, which was ironic because the atmosphere was formal, but no one looked formal. Few minutes later, two priests came out and everyone stood to signify the beginning of the mass. Inside the church looked very traditional, especially since there were wooden benches as seats. The altar was the best decorated section of the church. A table was placed right in the middle of the altar which was where the priests carried out 'The Last Supper' ritual also known as the 'Holy Eucharist'. All of these I was informed on by friend prior to mass. “The Holy Eucharist is a sacrament and a sacrifice. In the Holy Eucharist, under the appearances of bread and wine, the Lord Christ is contained, offered, and received” (Horan,

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