Catholic Church Essay

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The first thing that I noticed upon entering Sacred Hart Catholic Church was that everyone was kneeling before entering the pews and before the altar. They do this as a form of reverence to God. It is kind of like a rule, but it is just what you are supposed to do if you are Catholic. Along the same lines, I noticed that there was almost complete silence before mass in the church.

This is what they consider to be reverent and believe that fellowship with other people is for another time because mass is only for fellowship with God. This does make sense because it separates you from the distractions of the world and let 's you focus on the spiritual aspect. I saw that there were kneeling stools toward the center of every pew because the act …show more content…

According to The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Catholicism,”On Ash Wednesday, the first of Lent’s 40 days, Catholics wear a cross of ash on the forehead, a symbol of penitence since Old Testament times.” The book also describes other traditions that are practiced over the time of Lent including fasting and donating money to charity. Lent is the way that Catholics prepare for Easter Sunday.

Another interesting thing that caught my attention was the Catholic’s use of sculptures, carvings, and and a giant overhanging statue of Jesus in the front of the whole church. In many religions, people actually worship statues and idols and there are people who think that Catholics do this as well. These people do not understand because Catholics only worship one God.

Catholics do not believe that a statue has any power or is somehow alive. The reason Catholic Churches have so many statues and pictures is mostly only because it is their tradition. The reason for this tradition is that only a few hundred years ago, your normal man did not have the ability to read and write. The pictures and statues told stories that the people of that time could understand. The only people who knew how to read and write were the priests and it was in their best interest to keep what was written in the Bible to themselves. The reason for this was to make more money by selling what we might call tickets to …show more content…

After hearing her mentioned in the prayers at the Catholic Church, I did some research on the subject. In actuality, they do not worship Mary, she is simply the essence of what they strive to be. She was completely humble and acted as servant to God according to their beliefs. She was completely obedient and desired only to be used by God. This is why the Catholics revere Mary as a mother of their religion. Many of them also believe that she was taken into heaven along with her physical body although the Bible says nothing of this.

Another interesting sacrament of the Catholic Church is the confessionals. After being baptized, one is required to regularly attend a confessional to admit to everything that he has done that violates the Catholic rules. According to this religion, after admitting your faults, you are forgiven until the next time that you disobey the regulations of the Catholic faith. This act reconciles you with God and allows you to gain entry into heaven. Your faults are confessed to a priest, and it usually takes place in a small

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