Catcher In The Rye Adult Analysis

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“I believe that everyone else my age is an adult whereas I am merely in disguise (Margaret Atwood).” While physical maturity is inevitable, emotional maturity is not as certain. Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is a distressed teenager who has been expelled from his fair share of boarding schools. He now wanders New York, trying to find his place amongst society. Since his brother's death Holden began to discover himself stuck in a perpetual state of discontent, feeling alone in his struggle to find his place in the world. Holden is no longer a child but he still doesn't fit in amongst adults as they are corrupt in the ways they live and act. Holden wishes to remain surrounded by innocence in order to avoid the …show more content…

Holden never seems to have a pleasant time interacting with the adults and the world they've created. Holden describes the hotel he was staying at as being "lousy with perverts (Salinger 62).” At the hotel, Holden characterizes every adult he sees as a pervert. He does not know any of them but because they are grown up he sees them strictly as perverts, despite who they truly may be. However, Holden does try to fit in amongst these alleged “perverts” but later in the novel his inability to engage with a prostitute demonstrates how despite his efforts to belong in the adult world he is still childlike. Salinger uses Holden's childlike ways along with his inability to conform to societal normalities to express how he views the adult world as something he doesn't want to fully commit to. Salinger puts Holden is suspended development in order to prove how hard it is to fully belong in the adult world, especially if its occupants are already corrupt in their own ways. Throughout the novel Holden prefers the company of children over the company of adults as he believes adults to be fake and perverted. While at Ernie’s bar one of D.B.’s old acquaintances, Lillian Simmons, strikes up a conversation with Holden. Lillian hasn’t uttered the words to Holden when he prematurely deems her “strictly a phony (Salinger 86).” Holden wants nothing to do with …show more content…

Throughout the novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, adults and the world they inhabit are portrayed as corrupt. They are unobservant, skeptical and belong to a world filled with impurities. Holden does not possess the mentality of an adult, nor the innocence of a child, he is stuck in a perpetual halt somewhere between the two. While Holden struggles to find his place in society, Salinger expresses his disdain towards the concept that is adulthood. Salinger keeps Holden in suspended development in order to oppose the idea that innocence ends when adulthood begins. Becoming an adult shouldn’t require forgetting who you once were and the morals you possessed, as “all things truly wicked start from innocence (Ernest Hemingway)”.We were all born unadulterated, it’s our surroundings that made us evil. In order to survive the innocence you have to first outlast the

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