Catch The Moon Character Analysis

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How would it feel to be forced to spend an entire childhood as a prodigy by a parent? Or to lose one? In "Catch the Moon" and "Two Kinds," the main characters, Luis and Jing-Mei, deal with their losses through rebellion. In this essay, the characters and their rebellious actions in these stories have many similar qualities that will be compared and contrasted. The first character to compare is Luis. Luis is the main character of "Catch the Moon" and a young, Hispanic boy living alone with his father, and working in his junkyard. After the death of his mother, he started a high school gang and involved himself in criminal behavior. When he is caught breaking into a house he is sent to juvenile detention, and is sentenced to six months …show more content…

In "Two Kinds," Jing-Mei struggles with the plans her mother forces on her and the path she wants to create for herself. She spends her entire childhood doing everything her mother makes her, so that she can become a prodigy. Her mother has her take tests, classes, and learn skills she does not want to just so she can be successful. As a result, Jing-Mei rebels by not paying attention during her studies or by not attempting the quizzes. She spends her entire childhood being mediocre to the point she does not really know how to try when she wants to. It takes her until her mother dies just to find closure. By that point she had not even been rebelling it was just forced into her character. Luis and Jing-Mei might have rebelled for different reasons, but the reasons for their parents to push them were incredibly similar. Luis and Jing-Mei are similar to each other. Both Luis and Jing-Mei started rebelling as kids, Luis before high school, and Jing-Mei as a child. Both were each pushed to this rebellion by their parents, who just wanted the best for them. They lived their lives with an incredible amount of stress and pressure on them. Eventually they both found a resolution and even ended their rebellion. Both of them suffered the loss of a parent, but at opposites times in their life. They both lead interesting lives with many similarities and just as many

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