Case study 2

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Staffing and Productivity
The nurse executive is responsible for budget planning for the division. Areas of focus include strategies to improve productivity and feasible tactics to reduce agency staff and overtime (OT) for the division. Identified in this paper is the importance of operational and financial performance indicators for the organizations internal goals. Focus on benchmarking through data analysis is vital. In addition, setting realistic goals that are compulsory to promote cost savings, while maintaining patient safety as a priority is important in creating an improved patient experience. In planning for modifications to obtain a favorable budget, adjusting full time equivalents (FTEs) to fluctuating volumes is important. To improve the productivity plan effectively are evaluation and management of scheduling, staffing, and skill mix are necessary to obtain favorable productivity.
Division Productivity
Nursing productivity relates both to proficiency of care provided and the effectiveness correlated to quality of that care. The division’s productivity exemplifies the organization’s ability to curtail resources for each of the units of services without undesirably affecting patient care. Poor productivity measurements relate to the amount of input resources used without significantly increasing the output as specified by Dunham-Taylor and Pinczuk (2010). The majority of units exceeded productivity expectations, while others do not meet expectations. There were several reasons why productivity did not meet target-such as utilization of FTEs not adjusted for actual volumes, agency and overtime hours.
FTE Utilization
Significant areas of the summary report where variances between actual and targeted FTEs were not fl...

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...ed productivity goals.
Nurse executives need a systematic understanding of the budget planning process and the challenges that organizations face in sustaining favorable performance. Utilizing this acquired knowledge will enable achievement of desired goals to improve the productivity of the division. Benchmarking provides important operational and financial indicators in addressing realistic goals and reducing unwanted agency staff, while adjusting FTEs for a cost savings favorable budget. Continuous development with best practice for strategic planning of the budget with scheduling and appropriate skill mix is essential for the nurse executive to evaluate to ensure ultimate connotation. I really appreciate the following quote addressed by Finkler & McHugh (2008), “Benchmarking should be used to show the way to true improvements in productivity” (p. 441).

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