My Fitness Essay

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1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this report is to examine an organisation which specialises in supporting good health through fitness. In expanding the My Fitness operation internationally the option of Japan was chosen to undertake an investigation that includes a report of factual background information, organisations that support international trade, an investigation of the aspects of business dealings and evaluating the viability of the proposal to establish My Fitness in Japan.
2.0 Body
2.1 General Facts
My Fitness is an organisation which originated in Queensland, Australia and that of which was established in 1997 and is an organisation that specialises in supporting good health through fitness and they hiring scheme only employs qualified …show more content…

Japan is run Japan currently has a population of 127,368,088 which was the estimation in July 2012. Australia is one hour ahead of Japan because Japan is +9 hours ahead of the GMT whereas Australia is +10 hours head of the GMT. The currency in Japan is the Yen where an Australian dollar is converted into 95.66¥ and their economy is one of the third largest in the word. Japan is known for manufacturing cars like Mitsubishi, Subaru, Suzuki, Toyota and many more. Japan mainly exports computers, electronic devices and cars. Japan imports goods are foodstuffs, oil and wood. Japanese is the official language that is used in Japan and Japanese is estimated as the sixth most spoken language around the world. Japan According to [] it is said that “If you are serious about building a global business you must succeed doing business in …show more content…

There are Meeting Etiquettes, Give giving Etiquettes, Dining Etiquette, Business Meeting Etiquettes and Dress Etiquettes. When you attend meetings in Japan, there is a very formal and ritualized way in which the Japanese greet others. It is substantial that you know the correct amount of respect to a person that may have a different status, higher or lower than that of yourself.
2.3.2 Gifting Etiquette
When giving gifts in Japan, it is very meaningful and is also a ritual, the way that you present the gift and wrap the gift may be sometimes more important than what the gift itself is. It is very important to give items in odd numbers, but not 9 and if the gift that you buy is made in Japan make sure that you wrap it, as it says in the Kwintessential website

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