The Effect of Distraction on Exercise Intensity

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Before studying how distraction affects exercise and related physiological responses, it is important to examine previous research related to this topic. There is limited work done in this area but there are tangent matters of importance.

To achieve the optimal health benefits from exercise the research supports the notion that it is necessary to exercise at a prescribed exercise intensity for a prescribed duration. Disruption in maintaining the prescribed exercise intensity may not allow the desired benefit from the exercise performed.

In summary, measuring BP is an important parameter used diagnostically as well as prognostically. BP measurement not only helps to prescribe the exercise regime and gauge exercise intensity but also help maintain safe and efficacious exercise. On the other hand, measuring BP during exercise might act as a distraction disturbing the steady state exercise intensity desired for optimal exercise-induced benefits.


This study done was to assess the effect of distraction on steady state exercise intensity when using a self-paced device (stationary bike). The general rationale of the study was to find if physical distraction, such as BP measurement would disrupt the exercise steady state. This part will describe the methods of this study, including: 1) Participants/Target population; 2) Experimental Design; 3) Procedure; and 4) Statistical Analyses.

Participants/Target population

Participants who volunteered for this study (6 males and 5 females) were between 18 and 65 years of age. All were well versed in the use of a stationary bike, defined by having exercised on a stationary bike at least 10 times in the six months prior to the study. The participants ...

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...large scale. Depending upon the amount of HR and RPM drop due to distraction need to know the clinical significance of the same. For example, would a drop in 3 BPM in HR due to distraction would be clinically significant for training adaptations of would 10 BPM would be significant?

Opportunities – This may be useful and of importance to all exercise professionals who deal with exercise prescription and training. In addition, it may useful to all those who exercise in general.

Threats – Results if positive might not hold true for people who are cognitively trained to avoid distractions for example sports persons who have training to focus and improve concentration. Results if positive may not be useful on equipments used other then in this study. Results if positive may not hold true if exercised at intensity levels other then used in this study.

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