Case Study Of Merry Maids

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Merry Maids is the largest home cleaning franchise network in the world. The company was founded in 1979 in Omaha, Nebraska. It was the winner of Fortune Magazine’s “Most Admired Outsourcing Company” in 1999 and 2000. Merry Maids currently employs more than 8,000 home cleaning professionals to serve over 300,000 homes, apartments and condominiums each month in North America. Further, it has operations in U.K, Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, South Korea and the Philippines.

Considering cardiovascular disease has become an important problem in modern American society, in 2013, Merry Maids launched a special campaign called “Help Us Raise the Roof”. In February they left each customer a donation box to fill with coins and dollars. At the end of the month they collected the money on behalf of the American Heart Association (AHA). AHA is a non-profit organization in the United States that fosters appropriate cardiac care in an effort to reduce disability and deaths caused by cardiovascular disease and stroke. Merry Maids gaining raised over 100,000 dollars after this campaign. This report analyses and evaluates the activity, then shows the value and impact of this cause-related marketing campaign.

Marketing Objective and campaign’s motivation
A key marketing objective for large business organizations is to create more revenue. This can be achieved by building better brand image, building better customer loyalty and relationships and so on. Merry Maids is a marketing focused company. Its success relies on promotion of its brand publicity and satisfying the needs of its consumers. It is able to do this by continually listening to consumers and learning about their various requirements or do advertisements on differ...

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...rand image to its customers.

Although there are pitfalls could lead the campaign to fail, cause-related marketing strategies have great value for implementation. It can positively influence customers’ attitudes and purchase behavior so that participants in cause-related marketing partnerships could get greater benefits with experience. In addition, Company-cause relationships are evolving from giving, to tactical cause-related marketing to strategic campaigns, from these campaign, customer response is good in terms of brand attitude, brand loyalty, word of mouth and purchase behavior. The outcomes of a cause-related marketing campaign are significantly influenced by implementation-related factors include subject, advertisement approach, the donation amount. To avoid those pitfalls list above, marketing research and customer tracking are needed.

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