Case Study: Devon Energy

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“Devon Energy is a results oriented oil and gas company that builds value for its shareholders through its employees by creating an atmosphere of optimism, teamwork, creativity, resourcefulness, and by dealing with everyone in an open and ethical manner.”
The above mission statement is from a Devon Energy Corporation, an Oklahoma energy company. A mission statement is an overview of the company that briefly explains what values and goals they have. This mission statement has many parts to it; when you break it down and look at it in pieces you get a better idea of what the company is really about. Breaking it down the main points that stand out are: being results oriented, building value for shareholders through employees, the atmosphere they …show more content…

It also means they have some type of goal; there is something that they want to fix, change, or achieve. They are unclear of what they want their results to be, but it is clear that they want to do something to create results. This might create a high stress environment on the employees, if they are only concerned with results and nothing else. Employees could feel too much pressure to get results and be too concerned with only getting results that they work themselves too hard and stress themselves out. This could also mean that they don’t care how they get their results as long as they get them which could lead to employees doing unethical things in order to get the results the company is focused on. On the other hand this could also be a way for creative thinking to flourish. The company is concerned with the end result not how you get there so employees are free to think outside the box to get the results the company needs. This could mean that the management style is hands off; they let you do what you think will get the job done. If you continue through the mission statement, it becomes clearer that they are concerned about their employees which would suggest that they are more towards the creative thinking environment instead of the stress filled …show more content…

They create this environment by dealing with everyone in an open and ethical manner. This system most likely helps them streamline their problems and deal with them quickly and efficiently. This also seems to be a relatively stress free environment that they wish to create which will help with productivity and longevity of employees. The less stress an employee’s feels the better they will perform. By dealing with situations openly and ethically they handle the situations at hand as soon as they happen and in the proper way. This part of the mission statement also feels a little cookie cutter, they just picked words that made the company sound good and through them together to describe an ideal work environment. They are very basic and generic terms that almost any company could use to describe their work environment. While it does look as if they picked

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