Case Study

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The articles, the right to effective education and the right to effective behavioral treatment, are two articles that educators, behavior analyst, and other professionals who are responsible for the education of children with disabilities should be familiar with. These articles can be used as a guideline to make sure learners rights are being met, and if relevant, are acting in accordance with BACB guidelines. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the aforementioned articles, and draw connections to a present learner and their educational experience.

Joe is currently 8 years old, diagnosed with autism. He is enrolled in a special education program, and spends the majority of his school day in self-contained setting. In the past it has been proposed that the consulting behavior analyst conduct a functional behavior assessment, because his teachers are concerned that his behavior are interfering with his quality of education. His behaviors include, eloping, spitting, and head butting. Unfortunately, consent was not given from Joe’s parents to conduct a FBA, due to personal beliefs surrounding his diagnosis, and as a result there is not a functional behavior plan in place. Staff members working with Joe have strategies and procedures in place, but the procedures are not functional since the functions of Joe’s behaviors have not been determined. Joe’s behaviors are segregating him more from his school community, because procedures that are in place have not been effective.

The Right to Effective Behavioral Treatment
A learners rights to effective behavioral treatment begins with ensuring the a learners environment is designed in a manner that is appropriate for effective treatment. Joe spends the major...

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...gned for Joe to achieve learning objectives.
Joe is also entitled to attend a school that is able to meet his educational needs. Unfortunately, Joe’s behavior impede on his instruction throughout the day, therefore he isn’t making gains rapidly. If Joe’s current school is not able to address his behavior needs his quality of education will continue to be impacted and perhaps the district may need to refer Joe to an outplacement setting.

Comparing Joe’s educational experience to the rights of effective behavioral treatment and education has made me aware of some areas that need to be addressed. Even though, Joe has an appropriate instructional method, as well as measurements and evolution, until Joe’s right to effective behavioral treatment is addressed, his education will be impacted because his behaviors are interfering with educational gains.

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