Case Essay On Professionalization In The Case Erin Brockovich

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Personal Struggle:
1. She struggled balancing her family and job because she was a single parent who had three young children; who she wanted to care for to the best of her ability, but that required her to work. She couldn’t take care of her children while she worked, that required her to be in an office, and they are young and stayed at home.
2. Yes, because any gender can become the breadwinner of a family and as a parent, your children are your responsibility so you would have to take care of them while still trying to balance your job, to manage an income which can be a struggle. Any male can go through the struggle of balancing a family and a job.
3. She did not show professionalism because she was not dressed appropriately for the industry of work she was in, a law firm. Her expected appearance was supposed to be neat, clean and formal. Her verbal communication was filled with vulgar language, and she didn’t show …show more content…

The chromium caused multiple types of cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, miscarriages and bone deterioration.
Small business owner:
11. His first risk was hiring Erin Brockovich because he did not know what qualifications she had and she was dressed very inappropriate for the job. His second one was taking on the case Erin Brockovich suggested because they were a small law firm while PG&E were a very successful company, so if he had lost the case, he would have stood the chance to be bankrupt. He also took a risk in tacking in all the Hinkley residents and being the one to lead them to the fight against PG&E and promising them a positive outcome.
12. Yes because she had no qualifications in law or work experience in a law firm. Erin also didn’t have the skills or knowledge to do her job because she had no work experience. Another risk is that he knew Erin Brockovich’s temper and how she reacted to people manipulating things and he did not consider whether she would be able to do the job that, he was hiring her for.

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