My Goals Of Feminism Essay

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This DB has been interesting. The more I read, the more interesting the topic of feminism became. There are so many views and it is not as cut and dry as it first appeared. I started by looking up the definition of feminism. Webster’s dictionary has the definition as 3 things: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes; the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities; and the organized activity in support of women's rights and interests.
Because I am more familiar with American Government and culture, I will keep my DB post related to the USA. Other countries have government, cultural and social issues I do not fully understand. This may contribute to what is being seen in their countries.
In my search for information, I found …show more content…

There are indeed feminists that are “man haters” and use the cause for their own ulterior motives.
I currently have two bosses that are female and work in a field where it is common for the supervisors to be female.
I have also seen firsthand feminists that give feminism a bad name by sounding like they speak for all feminists. They are typically the “man haters” and use feminism as an excuse for all wrongs done to them.
I will also say that if a woman wants to be in a specific industry and she is the right person, then great! If not, keep trying until you reach the level you need to. However, if a woman wants to be a housewife, that is a job too! Why are housewives made to look bad by some feminists? It is a choice.
Feminism does not need to be male versus female. Femininity shouldn’t come into play and rea really has nothing to do with the core beliefs of feminism. Just because a woman feels they want to play a different role other than professional, it doesn’t mean they are hurting the cause. I am a working single dad and can tell you firsthand that taking care of the kids and house is a

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