Carpenter Bees Research Paper

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While carpenter bees are not considered wood destroyers on the same level of carpenter ants or termites, they can become an annoyance if they target your home. They have been called carpenter bee because you find small piles of sawdust under their work areas, similar to what you might find with a human carpenter when they saw on a board—dust will be made. These are just flying bugs that have a close resemblance to bees, but they do not make honey. A male carpenter bee cannot sting, but they have been known to approach humans. On the other hand, the female bees will bite when they have been handled improperly.

Male and Female: The Differences

Both the males and the females have the appearance of a bumblebee, which can make it difficult to distinguish the difference between the two. Looking at a bumblebee, they will have a hairy abdomen with yellow markings, but the most obvious difference lies in their behavior. A female will cut holes that are 3/8th inches in diameter into stained or raw wood. If it looks like a .45 caliber bullet hole, do not be alarmed. If carpenter bees were in the area, most likely they were the culprit. These insects love cedar wood, and they will target the siding of natural softwood.

After carpenter bees have bored 1/4 of an inch or 1/2 of an inch into the wooding, …show more content…

You simply dance from having a bee problem to having a potential fire problem. The best method of handling a burden like carpenter bees is to hire a pest control company. They will spray a treatment for those who do not want to spend an afternoon chasing carpenter bees. Carpenter bees are known for being good pollinator, and beyond creating holes in wood, they do not hurt anyone, so the best advice is to paint, plug or caulk the wood and hope they go somewhere else. If not, pest control is another option that will handle the problem

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