Caren Campano Case Summary

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Caren Campano was a 42 year old woman working a decent job, and married to a man 15 years younger than her. Chris, her husband, was a drug addict that did not have steady income. The night she disappeared they had a large argument, and according to Chris, they both left the house in separate directions to cool off. She left on foot, and he left in the truck to a bar. The next morning he called her job asking if she was at work and they said she never showed up. He called and made a missing person’s report. The investigators went to their house and stated the house was in good condition, and did not look like she left. There was no signs of a fight. However, they found a large brown stain that was still wet next to the bed. When they tested it, it was positive for blood, and when they pulled the carpet back, there was an even larger blood stain on the cushioning under the …show more content…

Using the same carpet type, investigators poured blood onto the carpet, making the same size stain, to see how much blood was required to make that stain. Based off that experiment, they determined that amount of blood loss would be fatal to Caren. After performing DNA comparison tests with the questionable blood and blood from Caren’s parents, sisters, and children, they identified the blood as Caren’s blood. They decided to go back to the house at night and perform a luminol test to see if additional blood stains would appear. The house, using luminol, showed that Caren was beat with a blunt object in the bedroom, cast off on the walls and ceiling. Then carried to the kitchen. There were blood swipes on the walls and door. She was then laid on the kitchen floor and dragged out the back door, down the outside stairs, and backyard sidewalk. Swipe marking from the luminol showed all of this. Chris was charged with her murder. Just before the trial, some boys found her body in a brush area. At that time Chris plead guilty and received 1000 years in

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