Career And Technical Education Essay

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In the United States, the history of Career and Technical Education evolved within four major periods. First, the Awakening period which began in 1776-1826, when the right to a free public education was expressed. During this era, educational opportunities in labor and industrial education were being demanded. The rising working class began to press for an education that were more appropriate for their labor and industry’s needs (Awakening 1776-1826, 1976). Even Benjamin Franklin who represented the Awakening middle class was on board with the rise of technical and vocational education which were taught primarily by private masters or contracted apprenticeships (Cohen, 1976). Second, the Independent Action period from 1826-1876, was a time when the workforce and public education systems began to work together to train workers for various types of jobs. The Lyceum of Science and the Arts became one place for technical and vocational education to blossom. Moreover, the Rensselaer Institute was a house for the new idea to combine chemistry, natural philosophy, and Mathematics with agriculture and mechanics (Rensselaer, 1976). Agricultural education during the Independent period was …show more content…

The first manual training school, established in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1879, set the foundation for modern career and technical education (Association for Career and Technical Education, 2013). The St. Louis Manual Training School became a model for other schools, establishing a long-lasting relationship with public education using hands-on learning as one of their techniques. By the 1900, domestic science reached the public school systems which began the rise of the Home Economics program (Vocational age emerges, 1876-1926, 1976). The evolution of Home Economics will evolve several times before it is finally known as Family and Consumer

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