Understanding Cardiology: Your Guide to Heart Health

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Findthedoctors.info gives the information about Cardiologist who is near to you.
What is a Cardiologist?
A cardiologist is a doctor with special training and skill in finding, treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Use our Find A Cardiologist directory to locate a cardiologist in your area.
What is an F.A.C.C.?
An F.A.C.C. is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. Based on their outstanding credentials, achievements, and community contribution to cardiovascular medicine, physicians who are elected to fellowship can use F.A.C.C., Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, as a professional designation.
The strongest evidence of achievement for those who earn the F.A.C.C insignia comes from …show more content…

What Kinds of Tests May the Cardiologist Recommend or Perform?
Examples include:
* Echocardiogram - a soundwave picture to look at the structure and function of the heart.
* Ambulatory ECG - a recording during activity to look for abnormal heart rhythms.
* Exercise test - a study to measure your heart's performance and limitations.
* Cardiac Catheterization - a test in which a small tube is placed in or near the heart to take pictures, look at how the heart is working, check the electrical system, or help relieve blockage.
Is My Cardiologist a Surgeon?
No, however, many cardiologists do tests such as cardiac catheterizations that require small skin punctures or incisions, and some put in pacemakers.
Do All Cardiologists Perform Cardiac Catheterizations?
No. Many cardiologists are specially trained in this technique, but others specialize in office diagnosis, the performance and interpretation of echocardiograms, ECGs, and exercise tests. Still others have special skill in cholesterol management or cardiac rehabilitation and fitness. All cardiologists know how and when these tests are needed and how to manage cardiac

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