Capture Myopathy? Not very often a diagnosis is termed liked this, especially in the field of human medicine, especially n the field of cardiology the where the term myopathy is revered as Cardiomyopathy. Myopathy is a disease that affects the muscles and causes weakness due to dysfunction of muscle fibers (1); Cardiomyopathy is of the same circumstance but deals primarily with the heart. Capture Myopathy is relative to many animals, especially mammals and provides a definitive correlation to humans and their potential medical prognosis of Cardiomyopathy. Capture Myopathy is a syndrome that that occurs within captive animals and causes rapid death through excessive adrenaline within the bloodstreams. (3) Capture Myopathy is quite often referred to as white muscle disease, the muscle when used causes a change of metabolism from using oxygen to using the stored energy within the muscle. The change up allows for lactic acid to build up and make its way into the bloodstream where it changes the homeostasis of the body: the body pH and the heart output. In essence, if the heart is inefficiently pumping the correct oxygen to the muscle, the muscle will begin to deteriorate and ultimately lead to damages to the kidney and the effector organs. (2) Animal Capture Myopathy is very relatable to human Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, and thus this paper will aim to trace how animals are very relatable to humans even through the Cardiovascular System based on normal physiology and stress. (WHAT SHOULD I TALK ABOUT?)
Capture Myopathy Physiology
Stress induced Capture Myopathy
What stress may mean to a doctor and their patient can be very different from what stress may mean to a veterinarian and an animal. But with the amou...
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...r within. The physiological indicators are primarily recognized through “vision, hearing, olfaction and even the pressure of the skin,” where they are primarily found within the hypothalamus, a key factor to the animal’s homeostasis. (3)
When a receptor is activated and the stimulus is taken to the hypothalamus and then relayed out to the “limbic system and neocortical areas…impulses stimulate the neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous system,” which can cause an array of issues if not careful and if the stress signal is prolonged. (3)
Prolonged stress or distress can be a hindrance to the homeostasis of the animal and cause responses in the body that induce the animal to overwork its physiological systems. The animals that endure this prolonged stress are placed into an inevitable environment or circumstance where the animal either is or feels trapped or captured.
Everyone everywhere has experienced stress with something they have dealt with in life. Whether it is school, paying bills, managing a busy schedule or work, stress affects everyone. Although everyone experiences stress, many people don’t actually know what stress is. Stress is the physical response of the body to harmful situations that threaten someone’s well being. When someone says “stress”, the word is automatically associated with a negative effect on people but small doses of stress can benefit a person, if used to correctly. Everyone’s stress level is different and the amount of stress that can be handled varies from person to person but a stress overload will not benefit anyone. “When you feel threatened, a chemical reaction occurs in your body to allow you to act in a way to prevent injury” (“Stress Management Health Center”). The chemical that is released when stressed is known as cortisol, also known a stress hormone. “Cortisol is like a long-term form of adrenaline, produced in the adrenal gland when the body is under pressure” (“The Effects of Stress on Your Reproductive Health and Fertility”). Adrenaline is also released to send the body into, what is known as, emergency action (“Stress Symptoms, Signs and Causes”). This emergency action speeds up reactions preformed by the body and the mind. This is a way of protecting the body. While in emergency action, this stress caused by threatening situations can save your life. In emergency situations, you are given “extra strength to defend yourself, for example, or spurring you to slam on your brakes to avoid a car accident” (“Stress Management Health Center”). Signs of being in this emergency action are a racing heart, blood pressure rises, quickening of breath and tigh...
2. How is stress different for humans than it is for animals in the wild?
Therefore, prolonged stress included adverse psychological and physical health effects as well as the increased risk of premature death (Denollet, J., et al.
Each bodily physiological system has an individual established set point, or level of balance; however, some fluctuations in these levels are tolerated. The balance of any system can be, and regularly is disturbed by internal and/or external events of the mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, and/or social types. When this balance is disrupted, and involuntary mobilizations of biological processes are not able to re-establish it, an alarm reaction is activated (Schedlowski and Tewes, 1999). This reaction is referred to as a stress response, and the activating agent is the stressor (Selye, 1936).
The amygdala is where all the information is gathered from all our senses. It requests all the stress hormones to be released from the hippocampus or the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the adrenal glands. This gets the body ready for either flight, freeze or fight mode (Rosenthal, 2015). These glands releases noradrenaline, epinephrine, cortisone and glucose which gets pumped into your limbs making you ready to fight or run away from the situation (Seahorn, 2016). The increase in stress hormones interferes with the body to regulate itself and the nervous systems remains highly activated leading to the body being fatigue (Rosenthal, 2015).
When owners take their pets to the clinic, they are understandably anxious about the results and outcome of the visit. While it’s the veterinarian's job to provide care for the animal, it’s also their job to put the owners at ease, reassuring them that their pet will indeed be fine. This communication is vital for building trust, as it lets the owner know what is happening to their animal and gives them confidence in believing that everything will be okay. What’s more, veterinarians that take the time to thoroughly explain procedures and instructions regarding petcare, are teaching pet owners how to better tend to their
In one way or another, I have been taking care of animals my entire life. Growing up, I was completely dedicated to animals, caring for what could be considered a mini zoo. Naturally, as a child, I was set on a career as a veterinarian. Like most children, I was naive about the veterinary profession, but I had plenty of people to warn me about its challenges. Albeit initially discouraged from becoming a veterinarian, my search for a meaningful career not only revived my spark for veterinary medicine but also gave me the maturity and experience necessary to succeed in it.
The history of being a veterinarian has been around since human beings have interacted with animals. For a long time, ever since man tamed animals, there is a need to monitor their health. Just as human, they suffer the same diseases: a cold, sore throat, stomach ulcer, and urolithiasis. Veterinary Medicin...
As the animals are being passed out, the patients begin smiling, laughing, and talking to the animals. They stroke their coats, play with them, and feed them snacks that they have saved for this occasion. While the patients are interacting with other students and staff, two of the students begin making notes on the activities that are taking place in the room. The patients, staff, and students are clearly enjoying themselves, but there are greater benefits to be found here. Research has been done in the area of human-animal companionship and security, and stress management.
When faced with a dangerous situation, the common mind will flood with consternation, while the body changes its customary routine to adjust to this new development. One of the first things to change is the release of adrenaline. That adrenaline will cause the release of stored energy and move blood between the muscle groups (Conger 2). This allows the subject to move faster, work harder, and be stronger. All of these traits improve the individual to better survive the dilemma and find safety. Besides contributing to an increase in energy and power, the adrenal glands release cortisol too (Conger 1). The stress o...
...ransports them to all tissues of the body. Adrenaline excites the heart to increases muscle strength, like the reaction that comes from anxiety. Noradrenaline constricts blood vessels and helps transmit nerve signals. These chemicals are vital to many autonomic activities. Although the autonomic nervous system acts automatically, it is possible to have control of some autonomic functions. Biofeedback is teaching a person to control body functions like reducing heart rate. The benefits are that it can be used to relieve headache by moving blood away from the head to lessen pressure or by lowering high blood pressure. The fact that the body’s automatic functions can be affected by the mind greatly contributes to the understanding of the autonomic nervous system. In conclusion, the nervous system is an important part of science because understanding it can help save lives. Millions were saved from heart attacks, strokes, etc. from treating the nervous system. Understanding about the nervous system is also necessary for psychologists, physicians, and neurologists. Future experiments of the nervous system can benefit the human race by producing cures for presently incurable diseases.
Stressors initiate a response within the organism and causes changes in the body, specifically responses in the body’s autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system has two branches: the sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic autonomic nervous system helps the body deal with the stress it encounters, initiating the ‘fight or flight’ response. Once the threat has passed, the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system will take over, relaxing the body. There is a balance between these two in a healthy person. However, when someone stays on guard, using the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, all sorts of physical effects can
“All of us have a personal relationship with stress, but few of us know how it affects us.” In the film “Stress- Portrait of a Killer” by National Geographic, Robert Sapolsky is researching baboon’s to find a link in stress and potential health risks in humans, Carol Shively is also researching macaques for that reason. Sapolsky is an american neuroendocrinologist that went to Africa “on a hunch” to study non-human subjects to test his theory, this experiment actually got Robert Sapolsky “MacArthur Foundations Genius Fellowship”. He did this by darting the baboons with anesthetic to put them to sleep, to make for easier blood samples. In the samples Sapolsky is measuring the levels of stress hormones found in the blood, he devoted thirty years of his life to this study with the help of his wife Lisa Sapolsky. This experiment relates to sociologic analysis, because Sapolsky’s study happens to draw a conclusion between economic activities and how it genuinely affects the quality of life. Some of the sociological themes we’ll be discussing are how “stress impacts our bodies and how our social standing can make us more or less susceptible”.
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, a multiunit system in the body that is activated in response to stress and can have various effects on an individual. Stress is a normal part of life and it’s something we all experience in our daily lives but, often, we don’t think about it in depth. My goal is to create more awareness about the range of harmful effects to our bodies from stress as well bringing attention to how stress can be successfully coped with. During the first half of my paper, I will introduce my topic of the HPA axis, it’s mechanisms of activation, harmful side effects, and predispositions in early life that can result in certain individuals to experience stress at greater levels. During the second half of my paper, I
The Tarchanoff Response is a change in DC potential across neurones of the autonomic nervous system connected to the sensori-motor strip of the cortex. This change was found to be related to the level of cortical arousal. The emotional charge on a word, heard by a subject, would have an immediate effect on the subject's level of arousal, and cause this physiological response. Because the hands have a particularly large representation of nerve endings on the sensori-motor strip of the cortex, hand-held electrodes are ideal. As arousal increases, the "fight or flight" stress response of the autonomic nervous system comes into action, and adrenaline causes increased sweating amongst many other phenomena, but the speed of sweating response is nowhere near as instantaneous or accurate as the Tarchanoff response.